Independent moving of Pin-Name and Pin-Number

Hi =)

I’m trying to make a new symbol of a component. I can move pins with their number and their name as a pack, but I would love to be able to move these independent from each other.

I couldn’t find it in the pin- or the symbol-options, so I asked ChatGPT, which told me to ctrl-click it. This also didn’t work and I’m starting to feel pretty stupid xD

Can anybody help?

Names and numbers of pins do not move. ChatGPT is stupid, not you. :slightly_smiling_face:
All you are able to do is change the size and color of the text.

Everything to do with the pins that is editable you will find in Preferences > Symbol Editor > Editing Options, except for color.

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Awesome! Thank you very much for the help!!! :grinning:


“Place pin names inside” and “Position offset” influence position, I think.

The default and unmovable locations of pin number and name works quite good for “rectangular box” type symbols, but not always for other symbols such as for example transistors. A trick you can use is to set the pin length to zero, and draw a graphical line instead.