Inconsistent libraries in KiCad nigtly builds

Since installation file “kicad-r8382.7bf9f8e1c-x86_64.exe” trying to run kicad.exe I got message: “Mismatch between the program and library build version detected”.
Could someone else confirm it?

Yes! I’ve got this same error message.

I could not find a bug report that seems to be related to this.
There is also nothing on the mailing list.

Could either of you report this?
(Maybe search a bit as well. I might have missed it)

There has been an ABI change

Usual chaos ensues.:slight_smile:

Edit: I think this error is reported by wx, we have had this before. I would have thought the developers remember by now that when they build KiCad with a new ABI they need to rebuild wx with the same ABI.


Well. This is the nightlies. I suggest to wait for next compilation and packaging before raise a bug report.
From time to time I see some issues that are fixed in the next compilations without any action.

8385 still has the issue, so three useless builds in a row
MSYS2 was used by windows builds of QGIS and GRASS

Raised as

Wayne proposes a solution on the Launchpad report for the Windows builder, @nickoe I believe


The latest Nightly seems OK

Anyone using i686 builds here?


I am using the x86_64 build, nightly from July 31. Been afraid to upgrade further due to the recent comments about it crashing.

Any idea how to get wxWidgets version 3.0.3 (aka Pheonix) instead of the 3.0.2 I have now?

3.0.3 should be just a bug fix, so compiling KiCad with it yourself should work

It works now on the kicad-r8389.2d9ab80b4 build.