It can also be used as an API! Just add “.json” to any URL. Play with the filters to see query parameters
I built this because I often don’t care as much about price as how in-stock a component is. The site is opinionated in its categories- I actually combine multiple JLC categories together to construct some of the lists. I’m very happy to add more categories if people have suggestions!
I like it! Seems easy to navigate if you roughly know part number (while @yaqwsx search tool is brilliant for various components filtering, etc while you know parameters, but not the final part number)
Could we have Manufacturer column added in the serach results please? (or shall I fill the github issue for this?).
For some projects I prefer to choose certain Manufacturer if a few components of the same / similar part number are available.
Somewhere between lcsc and mfr (which in fact is actually “mfr p/n”) would be great.
Many thanks.