Of course, all the above GUI actions moves can be replaced with key presses e.g. enter instead of click, arrow keys instead of mouse moves.
I think you might be asking “is there a command line where I can type ‘LINE (10,100,5,5)’ like in Eagle?” - the answer to that is no. I guess you could write some Python script to do it.
Enter the desired {X, Y} coordinates. (Remember that the Y-axis direction is opposite to what most of us have been conditioned to.)
Those mouse and keyboard actions sound like a lot of motion to perform a simple task. I suppose they ARE a lot - but after you become accustomed to working with one hand on the keyboard and the other on the mouse, they can be done quite rapidly. If you are attentive with your mouse clicks, you can place one end of the trace where you want it to be , and only worry about entering one coordinate pair.