In bad need of ngspice/ltspice models

I did not expect it is quite difficult to find a igbt gate driver and igbt ngspice/ltspice transistor models. My project is an H bridge. Applied voltage is 600V, current 100A and a connected load is a transformer. May someone share, even some generic models, with me,please.

Google is your friend:
So google IGBT spice model
and you will find for example some Fuji models.

Have a look at the circuits in Simulation examples for KiCad/Eeschema/ngspice (and a list updated to KiCad 8 in The circuit in FullBridge.7z contains a 650 V half-bridge high speed power MOSFET and IGBT gate driver.

Thank you for your reply.
FullBridgeElc.7z one of mine is a way better then Full-Bridge.7z of yours placed in here Simulation examples for KiCad8/Eeschema/ngspice.
FullBridgeElc.7z (17.8 KB)
timestep 0.5m period 20m shows good results.

But I am not sure if I can use the same for igbt transistors. What would be your advice?

There is a guy named Bordodynov who has put a lot of LTSpice models onto the web. It may take some patience to find what you are looking for.

Thank you BobZ I gave it a thought. I will dive into there now.