Importing part backups into a project

I finally managed to create the two parts (Schematic and layout) I need. Then I did something stupid. I decided to ‘clean up’ the part directory with files I though were junk from failed attempts. Of course KiCad threw errors about those files not being found, and my parts disappeared. However, I found a Zip file which looks like a backup of my parts.

What I would like to do is create a new project and import those backups into my project. How do I do that?

I’m on KiCad 7. Thanks!

Create a new project and name it. File > New Project.

  • With your Operating System find and open the the backup files.
  • Open the Schematic. select File >Save As change the name up top to your new project name and using the column on the left, navigate to the New Project you just created.
  • Highlight the New Project but don’t open.
  • Save. A pop up will read “already exists, do you want to replace?” Click Replace.
  • Go back to the backup files, open the PCB and do the same as you did for the Schematic.

You will now have a new project with a Schematic and PCB that were backup files from your old project.

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