Importing Kicad schematic finetune thingies


At work we ran into a slight problem with Eagle software and licensing. One of the options I offered myself as a joke, was that we can import the schematics in KiCad. I didn’t reach my desk before I got a text message… and now I’m here :sweat_smile:

This is how the schematic (in pdf format, made by eagle) looks like

And this is what KiCad made of it. Overal not bad really. The one thing that does not come along well is the title page thingi. The numbering is not quite right and the vertical dashes are on the wrong height.

And you can clearly see the ascii table instead of desired numbering.
As you can also see, we don’t use eagle to create PCBs with (well occasionally). We are transitioning to E-plan but this will take a significant amount of time.

I have but one question really.
Is this easy fixable? In particular the numbering, that matters for reading the schematics.

Kind regards :beer:


If you can report a bug with a sample Eagle file that would help