Dear KiCad Users
This is simply to warn you that all diodes in KiCad’s standard libraries have seen their pin numbers swapped. This is to be in line with most other software and the IPC standard as well, which states that cathode should be pin 1. This work is courtesy of the newest librarian, Ricardo Crudo.
If you are using GitHub libraries directly, the only thing you will have left to do is update your schematic libraries to the latest revision of before continuing your work. If you have a local copy of the footprint repositories, then when you are ready you will be able to pull the changes for both the schematic libraries and the affected footprint libraries:
- Diodes_SMD.pretty KiCad/Diodes_SMD.pretty
- Diodes_ThroughHole.pretty KiCad/Diodes_ThroughHole.pretty
- LEDs.pretty
Thank you for your understanding and sorry for the inconvenience.
Carl Poirier