When I try import a SVG which has a few solid shapes, it outlines them. This is not suitable because I wish to use the shapes on the front mask layer.
How does one import a SVG and maintain the fill?
I am using Inkscape to export the image if that makes a difference.
Iām able to import any shape on KiCad using Inkscape.
For example, I start with a DXF file, I import it on Inkscape.
After having it imported, I select all the shapes in the windows then I open the Fill/outline menu (Cap+ctrl+F). First, you have to fill (fill menu) all the shapes with any color and verify if they are matching your needs since they are now nicely colored. Then, you have to enable the outline and select a thickness of 0 px. When all these steps are done, save your file as usual in SVG format and import it on KiCas, you will see the shape full.