I have bread boarded this circuit and it works. My problem is when I make the schematic I get the above error. I think the problem has to do with power flags but I can’t seem to get them to work. All the Ardunio pins are either connected or marked as no connect. Here’s my schemantic:
Two of your symbols have the same reference.
Run the annotation tool and select “delete annotation” (only if you did not yet start with the pcb)
If you already have the pcb stared then manually change one of these two.
The reference designator “U1” is assigned to both the “Arduino_Uno_R3” and the “RC1602A”. Change the reference designator on one of these to something other than “U1”.
I also noticed something else. There is an unconnected wire where i put my circle here: (note the small square. This denotes an unconnected wire end.)
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