Icon Menu Bars Inconsistent

As the title states:



At the very least, I would find it convenient to have the Eeschema Icon in the PcbNew Icon menu bar. Otherwise, the user needs to navigate within the OS to bring up Eeschema.

I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW that CvPcb (…is that the correct term now?) is still not given much love by the KiCad developers. In general, KiCad flexibility really works well for me.

I goofed, I assigned the wrong footprint to a symbol, and all I had was IC footprints on my PcbNew layout. If I could have launched CvPcb from within PcbNew I could have fixed the error with fewer clicks.

In four more days I will have the data allowance to download the newest release of KiCad to see if any of this is already changed.

Nightly build:



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