I want to make npth pad

I want to make pad like 1 picture.
I don’t want pad in hole(?).
I set it like 2 picture.
Is it right? I can’t check pad shape.
Can you help me about this problem?

It is technically correct but many manufacturers will ignore that it’s an NPTH and plate it anyway because they plate all holes that have copper “touching” them. To avoid it add a bit of clearance between copper and edge of the hole. I don’t think there is a way to do it using single pad in kicad, you will have to either use custom pad shape or custom footprint.

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I’m not sure I understand what you want.
Let me be clear on the terms:
“Pad” is copper, usually around a hole, usually a PTH.
In photo #1, this is also a NPTH that has NO Pad.

If you just want a hole (no pad and NPTH) then look in pcbnew for Mounting Holes. They are available with and without pads. If there is no Pad, it will be NPTH.

You can place a hole and edit the size.

Did this help?

In the pad properties window, set the Hole_size_X and Size_X fields to the same value.

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I’m noticing some jargon being thrown around and I’m not sure that @1118 understands the jargon based on how he(she?) asked the question.

PTH = Plated Through-Hole. This is a hole that goes through the board and is plated.
NPTH = Non-Plated Through-Hole. This is a hole that goes through the board but is not plated.

I’m not sure that this is correct. If you look at how the OP defined his hole, he only has copper on the top of the board not on the bottom. I know that many board houses will automatically plate a hole that has copper on both sides of the hole (even if the designer requests not), but I’m not sure what those manufacturers would do if there is copper only on one side of the hole. Even if they did drill the hole and plate it, I would think that the plating would be etched away during board etching step which happens after the hole plating step.

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