I need help with a design

I am trying to create this layout as a new footprint but I don’t know how to create the middle groun portion with a copper free circle??? Please help!! image|231x500

I cannot access the OriginGPS website, to see what is going on, but this looks like you could use a ground plane under the module rather than a pad as it has to be masked.
The keep out does not really need to be circular, 1.575 GHz is not that high frequency that a square extending 1 mm further should make any difference

I’ve been experimenting with this, and I think I got it right:

I made the circular hole by first drawing a circle on F.Silk and then moving it to the layer F.Cu.
After that I painted 4 rectangular pads around it to create a rectangular fill for the GND pad.


  • I tried to keep (a bit) in check with KLC:
  • Pin 1 is in the upper left corner (180 degrees rotated from your drawing)
  • I only drew the pads, you have to add Silkscreen outline, courtyard etc, yourself.
  • Verify the coordinates.
  • Maybe you have to select the circle and one of the GND pads and select: “Create pad from selected shapes” from the Right mouse button popup menu.

OriginGPS_1410.kicad_mod (1.5 KB)

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The circle can also be a THT pad with only the F.Cu layer selected, this way it can be easier to “Create pad from selected shapes”.

If you use a THT pad, then a drilled hole is defined.

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you are completely right, I always figure black hole = drill hole :frowning: sorry.

This is meant to be a bare circle of PCB, not a hole

I still cannot access Origingps to see the datasheet, is it a dead website or am I being geoblocked?

The original diagram shows one pad slightly longer, is the corresponding package pin also long?

Oops, I missed that.
I only worked from the given screenshot, and have never seen the real thing.

No problems accessing the site from Germany.

The pad is indeed longer according to the mechanical specification:

Maybe a direct link to the datasheet works for you ?

No, no access from either of the two main Malaysia ISPs
Geoblocking strikes. A vendor I won’t be using then. I use Ublox at work.

Back to topic, I presume that the top plate is a patch antenna and there is a vertical pillar poking through the base, which is why you need a copper free circle

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