I have problem track to close pad


I made gerber file without drawing.
because it is simple.
but I have one problem.

is it no problem??
or is this not connected track with pad?

No, itโ€™s not simple.

Yes, it is the problem. Skipping the schematic got you into trouble.

Pcbnew (V5.1) has no functionality built in to generate netlist connections. In kicad-nightly V5.99 there are some very limited options to make netlist connections, but Eeschema is the right tool do do it and there itโ€™s trivially simple.
From what I can see of your PCB, the simplest way would be to use single pin connectors for you oval holes.

If you insist on not making a schematic, your options are:

  • Use some other tool like SKiDL or a text editor to make a netlist.
  • Ignore the DRC errors.

The fact that you get DRC errors when working without schematic is expected. DRC is a tool that is designed to ensure that the schematic and the final product are the same.

So i would argue that if you know what you are doing and are sure the PCB will do what you expect it to do then it should be fine as is.

And a personal note: I think it is just not worth loosing so many powerful features of any PCB design product to work without a schematic. For simple boards like the one in your screenshot i argue it can not take more than half an hour to make the schematic and that assumes you are not yet proficient in making a schematic. Somebody experienced most likely takes less than 10 minutes and this includes finding the footprints to assign

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