I have been three days now fighting to complete a 100 pin schematic. So far I have the drawing loaded with all of the parts but one. A cd4007ube Cmos complementary pair IC. Why it is not allready in a library is beyond me.
I found the footprint and the 3d model and downloaded the ones for kicad. From this point everything goes horribly wrong. No matter how many videos I watch not one can get me past this point.
In version 5 there is no preferences > Components Libraries on the drop down box. I have Configure Paths followed by Manage Symbol Libraries. Nothing I have tried works. The files are not even named the same as the videos show. I think I have a version 3 video a version four file and a version 5 program.
This is my third EDA this week I immediatly gave up on Eagle, I could not even get it going. I spent 14 hours drawing my schematic in DipTrace and could not get any further as I could not get the schem to form a pcb. Icould not get any help and it looked like years since anyone answered anything on a forum so I gave up on it and I am trying Kicad now.
Counting watched videos I have over 24 hours in this drawing and I am no closer to finishing this board than when I started a week ago. If I had done this the HARD way and just traced the copperclad with a marker pen and washed the board in chemicals It would be in a box by now, finished. Not as pretty and neat for sure but done just the same.
I have a specific set of components I use and I want to build my own library stuffed with just these parts. Then I should have no more problems with this as there will be no library but the one. But at this moment I do not think that is possible since I can not find any two people that can describe the proceedure it takes to add a component to the library and have it work.
I am afraid to even try the next step. If I get the drawing done it will more than likely take a month to do the next step which I think is annotate the schematic, then process the pcb. Then deal with that. What part is supposed to be better? Is there a way to fix this or do I just give up on EDA’s all together. Is there one that actually works start to finish or do they each only work to a point where thats all you get?
Eagle has become so complicated you need a physics degree just to install and execute it. Someone help me please. This is the stuff that makes people give up on the EDA idea all together. If I had not wasted my life on this software my board would be finished. Why does every EDA have to be complicated enough to build super computers when some of us just want to build guitar pedals or simple power supplies?
So far the only thing it has NOT been is easy. Thank you for your time. I hope someone out there can find an answer for me, this is way depressing and I am losing faith.