I created a new kicad3Dmodels library

please explain ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

something strange… 0 ohm comes out as 3 blacks and gold, but so did the 100 ohm…

of course i can cut and paste the brown for the 100 ohm

EDIT… also the 1K start with black even thou that is not possible… or is it just me?

but only seems to be when ohm is 0 or starts with 1 and are followed by zero’s, 1500 ohm is ok

Something very odd

i did manual edit on the 1K and it still starts with a black even thou the wrl says brown

i even tried to remove it and update 3d view and then add it again

this is the 1k as is:

is not much mistaken it should make brown black red and gold rings, but it does show up as black brown gold gold

EDIT: i think the first “error” is that the python script does not get each ring a different number
and then for some reason if value is 10, 100, 1000 etc etc it will not start with a brown

with a lot of edit work i got it sorted

but i still think the pyton script suffers from the 2 issues in last post

anyway a big thanks for it, it helped out a lot

Sorry, that was a work in progress and had several bugs. I think I fixed those, and also the script now can update a kicad_pcb file. Currently the value must be a plain number, eg. 4700.
I think it is ok, but I would strongly suggest making a copy of your pcb file before running the script on it :slight_smile:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Name:     gen_model
# Purpose:  A script to create a 3d resistor model (WRL) with color correct rings according to value.
#           Note : this version works with KiCad v4 or v5
# Author:   Bob Cousins
# License:  Creative Commons CC0  Copyright Bob Cousins 2018
# Credits:  Input for the resistor models requires https://github.com/KammutierSpule/kicad3Dmodels
# Usage:
#  1. Save the file "gen_model.py" somewhere
# To generate a file for a single resistor:
#    $ python -v <value>
# where value is a decimal, e.g.
#    $ python -v 4700
# To update a pcb file with resistor models:
#  1. Make sure the pcb file is closed in KiCad
#  2. $ gen_model.py -pcb <pcb file>
#  3. Open the pcb file in KiCad

import argparse
import shutil
import os
import sys
import re

#import pcbnew

class ModelGenerator:

    def __init__(self):
        self.source_folder = 'C:/github/kicad3Dmodels/generated/Resistors/Film_Carbon'
        self.bands = 4

        if 'KISYS3DMOD' in os.environ:
            self.ki_packages3d_dir = os.environ['KISYS3DMOD']
            self.ki_packages3d_dir = 'C:/github/kicad3Dmodels/generated/Resistors/Film_Carbon'

        self.custom_folder = os.path.join (self.ki_packages3d_dir, "Resistors_THT_custom.3dshapes")
        if not os.path.exists (self.custom_folder):

    def get_model_filename (self, value):
        return 'res_%dband_%g.wrl' % (self.bands, float(value))

    def generate_model (self, value):

        dest_name = os.path.join (self.custom_folder, self.get_model_filename (value))

        # copy the resistor model
        res_body_filename = 'RESAD780W55L630D240B.wrl'
        shutil.copy (os.path.join(self.source_folder, res_body_filename), dest_name)

        # copy the rings
        outf = open (dest_name, "a")

        transforms = []
        transforms.append ("translation -.90 0 .51 scale .55 1.22 1.22")
        transforms.append ("translation -.53 0 .51 scale .55 1.04 1.04")
        transforms.append ("translation -.18 0 .51 scale .55 1.03 1.03")
        if self.bands == 5:
            transforms.append ("translation .17 0 .51 scale .55 1.03 1.03")
        transforms.append ("translation 0.80 0 .51 scale .55 1.22 1.22") # tolerance

        mag = 0
        max = 100 if self.bands == 4 else 1000

        while value < max/10:
            mag -= 1
            value *= 10

        while value >= max:
            value /= 10
            mag += 1

        # 4/5 band code
        digits = []
        if self.bands == 5:
            digits.append ((value / 100) % 10)
        digits.append (int(value / 10) % 10)
        digits.append (int(value) % 10)

        if mag>=0:
            digits.append (mag)
        elif mag == -1:
            digits.append (10) # gold = x0.1
        elif mag == -2:
            digits.append (11) # silver = x0.01

        # 10 is gold, 11 is silver
        digits.append (10)

        for j in range (0,self.bands):
            digit  = digits [j]

            source_filename = os.path.join(self.source_folder, 'ring_%d.wrl' % digit)

            with open(source_filename) as file:
                ring_data = [line.rstrip() for line in file]

            seen_start = False
            for line in ring_data:
                if "geometry" in line and not seen_start:
                    outf.write ("Transform { %s children [ \n" % transforms[j])
                    seen_start = True
                    line = re.sub ("RES-RING-COLOR", "RES-RING-COLOR-P%d" % j, line)

                outf.write (line + '\n')

            outf.write (" ] }")


# this function does not work..
def pcbfunc(Filename = None):
    if Filename: 
        my_board = pcbnew.LoadBoard (Filename)
        my_board = pcbnew.GetBoard()

    # for v5 use GetLibItemName() instead of GetFootprintName()
    for module in my_board.GetModules():
        models = module.Models()
        print ("%s \"%s\"  " % ( module.GetReference(), 
                                    module.GetValue() ))
                                    #module.GetModels() ) )
        print models

def change_extension (filename, ext):
    path, filename = os.path.split (filename)
    basename = os.path.splitext (filename)[0]
    return os.path.join (path, basename + ext)

def get_next_line(file):
    line = file.readline()
    if line:
        line = line.rstrip()
    return line

def parse_pcb(Filename, model_gen):

    f = open(Filename, 'r')
    outfilename = change_extension (Filename, ".new")
    out = []

    line = f.readline()
    while line:
        line = line.rstrip()

        if "module" in line:
            tokens = line.split()
            module = tokens[1]
            # print module

            out.append (line)
            line = get_next_line(f)
            while line and line != "  )":
                if "model" in line:
                    tokens = line.split()
                    model = tokens[1]
                    # print "   model=" + tokens[1]

                    if "Resistors_THT" in module :
                        # check if alrady exists?
                        # check pitch?
                        model_gen.generate_model (float(value))
                        if 'KISYS3DMOD' in os.environ:
                            line = "    (model ${KISYS3DMOD}/Resistors_THT_custom.3dshapes/%s" % model_gen.get_model_filename (value)
                            line = "    (model %s/%s" % (model_gen.custom_folder, model_gen.get_model_filename (value) )

                        print module
                        print "  value = ", value
                        print "  model = ", model_gen.get_model_filename (value)

                        out.append (line)
                        out.append ("      (at (xyz %f 0 0))" % (0.3/2.0) )
                        out.append ("      (scale (xyz 1 1 1))")
                        out.append ("      (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))")
                        out.append ("    )")

                        # skip 4 lines
                        line = get_next_line(f)
                        line = get_next_line(f)
                        line = get_next_line(f)
                        line = get_next_line(f)
                        line = get_next_line(f)

                elif "value" in line:
                    tokens = line.split()
                    value = tokens[2]
                    # print "   value=" + value

                out.append (line)
                line = get_next_line(f)

        out.append (line)
        line = f.readline()

    f = open(outfilename, "w")
    for line in out:
        f.write (line + '\n')

    shutil.copy (outfilename, Filename)

# main

    args = sys.argv
    args = None

if args:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate resistor model")
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--value", help="resistor value")
    parser.add_argument("--pcb", help="kicad_pcb file")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.value:
        model_gen = ModelGenerator ()
        model_gen.bands = 4
        model_gen.generate_model (float(args.value))

    elif args.pcb:
        model_gen = ModelGenerator ()
        model_gen.bands = 4
        parse_pcb (args.pcb, model_gen)

    # pcbfunc()
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