I can't draw route from pads [SOLVED]

i just changed Kicad from 4 to 5 and have one issue. I cannot draw route from pin 1 and 15 of connector to (in this case) +5V. Coud you please help me?

It looks like it is probably this bug again -
https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/1826014 triggered by the rounded corner.
This has been recognised and fixed in the latest nightlies but if you don’t want to use one of those, you might try moving the rounded corner to another layer e.g. Eco1, route your track and then reinstate the rounded corner. I believe that a 5.1.3 release may be released shortly which will include this fix.

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Thank You John.
Problem is solved. As You described, it’s an issue with rounded Cut edges layer.

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