I can not find release note for BZR6971 (nightly build)?

Hi everyone,
i downloaded BZR 6971 and developers included UPDATE PCB and i am so happy therefore i search release note but i coudnt found relase note for testing version. Do you know how can i found it ?

6971 sounds like a nightly build intended for people who like to test the software which is in development; it is not a release so there are no release notes, in fact there are major changes compared to the stable release series.

I think that is a 4.1.0 alpha nightly, almost the latest.
Until you are sure of what you are doing, I would stick with 4.0.2 and hope 4.0.3 comes out soon

I’m curious - what exactly is the update PCB ? Is there some new feature, or fix, that drives you to the very cutting edge ?

Ah, thanks, Yes that would be a ‘nice to have’ feature.

Probably should be in both SCH and PCB sides, where PCB can also request Update From SCH, as there is an important Dialog in the PCB side that users should read, and probably do a ‘dry run’ as they check the reports.

So long as it writes a changes file so that you can see what it did later if something goes wrong.

The PCB side Dialog has to be the same as present NET import, surely ?
That does presently allow a report file to be saved.

If the update is silent, the default should be for the report to be saved

The best you will get for release notes of nightlies/trunk/product will be the commit logs

4.1.0 alpha means nothing, It has been added by the ubuntu ppa maintainer for reasons unknown. It may just be that launchpad doesn’t have any better way of defining nightlies. and it is literally just following the product branch aka trunk. I have no idea why its even being used. I find it unlikely that 4.1.0 will be pulled from some random product and find it more likely the next non-bugfix release will in fact be 5.0

I’m not expecting a release called 4.1
There has been a little mention of a 4.0.3

4.0.3 will likely be tagged this weekend. If that happens then you can expect to start finding installers a few days after that.

4.0.X releases will only ever be bug fixes, fyi. I don’t think Wayne has really set a timeline for the next big release. I’m guessing it will be at least another 6 minimum since they have set some major goals for it.


For me the key new features in the PPA builds are the cvPcb search filtering and the 3D viewer, even the OpenGL rendering is much faster and a much better experience

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