Howto snap pins and wires?

I am a noob and have used kicad only a few times, so maybe that is a stupid question …

I have problems, with connection pins and part-symbols an wires. Most of the time, I have to try it 4 or 5 times, until the connection “works”. It takes literally hours, to connect a 24 pin IC with some resistors capacitors and wires or global labels.
Is there any functionality, that makes this easier. Something like a “magnetic snap” or an optical assistant, so that I see, if the connection will be correct before I release the mouse-button?

EEschema only snaps to the grid.

This is why (nearly) all official symbols are designed with the pins aligned to the largest available grid (100mil). Smaller components (example transistor, c_small, …) are allowed to switch to the next smaller grid (50mil)

So my advice is to make your own symbols such that its pins align to either 100 or 50 mil grid.

If you then work in eeschema, decide on one grid and keep it always that way. (use the same grid as your smallest used grid in symbols. For the official lib this would be 50mil)

In pcb_new open gl canvas, tracks will snap to the center of pads.


@Rene_Poschl Thank you

@Rene_Poschl: I am too dump, to get it right, I think.
For example, I try to design a siple LED-grid and connecf the LEDs with wires.
In EEschema I have a grid of 100 mil and I use the generic LED symbol.
But in this 100 mil configuration, there is no way, to connect a wire to a LED.
The pointer is never neat the connector-circle of the LED.

There seems to be something, that I miss, don’t I?

If you have already placed components on a 50 mil grid, then you can never connect them if you have selected 100 mil grid.

Personally I always use 50 mil grid and never change it. I rarely have issues connecting components.

If you have components off grid, choose a smaller grid size and move them onto a grid (you can see the cursor position on the status bar), or delete them and replace them. In extremis, you could edit the .sch file directly, but that has its own pitfalls.

Maybe there is a script to move components onto a grid…?

The pins of the LED symbol in the official lib are on 50 mil grid. So if you use them, you should use 50 mil grid in eeschema.