How to view Kicad libraries

I have just downloaded the kicad symbol and footprint libraries.
Now i wish to view the symbols, but cant do it.
Do you know how?

Just downloading the libraries is not enough.
You also have to tell KiCad where you’ve put your files.

This can be done manually with:
KiCad Project Manager / Preferences / Manage Symbol Libraries but that function is for adding custom libraries, and this should not be needed for the default libraries.

So the more important question becomes:
Why were the default libraries not installed in the first place?

And this differes depending on the Operating System you use and the way you installed KiCad itself.

I’m on LInux, so for me it would be easy.
If the default libraries were missing I’d only have to type (in a terminal):

sudo apt install kicad-symbols kicad-footprints

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