When I drag components or something then I’m forced to move it.
but sometimes I dont want to move dragged things. I mean I want to select a few components those are apart from each other.
can I turn this command off ?
left : I drag something
right : I have to move them (I can not select another components which are apart from it) -> how to turn off ??
Not sure if this is what you mean but selection depends on the direction of drag. If you drag from right to left you select all items touching the selection. Try dragging from bottom right to top left - this should only select items entirely within the selection box.
If you use command “m” with pointer over a symbol, it’ll “m"ove breaking all connections.
If you use commnad “g” with pointer over a symbol, it’ll dra"g” without breaking any connections.
If you select multiple symbols with a box (left to right) and move mouse pointer all symbols & wires will move with breaking.
If you select multiple symbols with a box (left to right) and press “Tab” & then move mouse pointer all symbols & wires will drag without breaking.
If you are looking for muti-selection by pressing ctrl/shift similar to file explorer of some other cad tools, its not present in kicad iirc.
also i don’t know any option to disable move/drag commands exists
edit: left to right & right to left box selection does not make any difference i think