How to share step 3D model with all the components on the PCB too?

Nice models! That is great!

I required a SOT-23 and TO-252-2, but found them in the /demo/shapes folder! Yay! I see they are shown in some of your posts but not in the github folder?

Am I correct in saying KiCAD Step does not perform the same scale, rotation, and offset as specified in the kicad file? A lot of my components where the 1x1x1mm box with custom scaling, which now appears in step up as a 1x1x1mm box. Do I have to make a scaled box for each step up component instead of using the same 1x1x1mm box file?

I haven’t finished the libraries… it is a BIG challenge for just me and @Joan_Sparky :slight_smile:
I’m still hoping it will be an official repo for 3D MCAD models, so there would be more people working on that…

as in the kicad StepUp starter guide
Note: the macro takes care of 2D footprint rotation of kicad it does take care of vrml model z rotation, it doesn’t take care of x and y 3d model rotation it doesn’t take care of x, y, z 3d model translation this behavior is intentional…
this is also what is applied to the new module and 3D libraries in kicad
(at (xyz 0 0 0)) (scale (xyz 1 1 1)) (rotate (xyz 0 0 0))

[quote=“mangelozzi, post:30, topic:2542”]
Do I have to make a scaled box for each step up component instead of using the same 1x1x1mm box file?[/quote]
yes, you need to have a STEP model of the right size to have a right assembly
the scale is always assumed 1:1 because it is a mechanical design
As I told you you may consider to use bounding box option that will substitute a bbox to your STEP model

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Got Step up working with your great library pack on github. Thank you so much. I am sure it will become the official KiCAD MCAD Library. I want to learn FreeCAD, and would be happy to help make libraries, like maybe the diodes.

Here’s a pic of what I got:

But I noticed if I open KiCAD VRML model the PCB looks very beautiful:

I understand maui said…

So I am guessing it is not possible to combine the KiCAD VRML PCB model with the step up components?
… I tried with FreeCAD anyway and got no-where.

Humm this is my first time someone converted the board before seeing it in kicad itself… you have done the more difficult part, then you need to adjust something…
my libraries have already the VRML models coming from STEP models… have you copied them beside STEP models? is your VRML path fine for kicad?
is that image the 3d-viewer internal rendering or the export of VRML from kicad?
in that case have you correctly selected the option to export?

kicad StepUp will give you exactly the same render (pcb + parts, no silk, layers) in kicad pcbnew 3d-viewer and in MCAD sw but you have to read at least one time the guide! :wink:

you are not doing your homework :smiling_imp:

[quote=“mangelozzi, post:33, topic:2542”]
I want to learn FreeCAD, and would be happy to help make libraries, like maybe the diodes.[/quote]
have a look here

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Well you are doing a great job of making the libraries.

I see in kicadStepUp-starter-Guide.pdf and in many of links you have posted these pics:

I can not find them here:

I read the “”, many links show these but how do you get them?

Kind Regards

  1. first of all you need to adjust your VRML rendering for kicad…
  2. after that you can learn how to create models using my scripted tools
    but before you need to adjust your VRML rendering for kicad…

still waiting for a reply

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Thank you for the info. I dont know how to use FreeCAD yet, And maybe I am slower and not as smart as the other people who have used your great script. I have read many of your posts, but many are all rather similar which state what to do, but not how to do it. I also read the document linked about why MCAD, and I have tried the demo. I have been mainly trying to follow:
kicadStepUp-starter-Guide.pdf because it is the official documentation.
I started at the beginning and am working my way through the document.

This is what I did…

On Page 7, under:

’8. How To (using kicad StepUp the best way)

  1. just copy the STEP 3d models in the same folder in which there are your wrl 3d models"

As a newbie I think what step up 3D models? Isnt that what I am trying to make? I didnt understand step up combines existing models, I am still not sure I do. That’s why I had to ask here. I think it would help greatly to new people if you added a link in the document where to get the models, and that KiCAD step up combines other step up models are a combination of other step up models?

I downloaded these models from:

And placed them in:
C:\Program Files\KiCad\packages3d_MCAD
C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\kicad\modules\packages3d

'2. export the STEP models, scaled 1/2.54 to wrl with the same name of the STEP model (e.g. r_0603.wrl # r_0603.step); in this way your 3D board in kicad pcbnew 3d-viewer and in FreeCAD workbench will look perfectly aligned

Confused, I already downloaded the models? Is this for models that aren’t in the library…? Must I open each .VRML and convert it to step with FreeCAD? Since I have the library models I proceeded to step 3…

'3. open in FreeCAD the Macro kicad-StepUp-tools.FCMacro

So I copied kicad-StepUp-tools.FCMacro into my Kicad project folder.
I opened it and saw a green play triangle to run the script… I think that is right…

and edit the config file

ksu-config.ini (which is autogenerate at first running of the macro) with e.g. notepad
changing your model prefix to your KISYS3DMOD path

It is created every time I run kicad-StepUp-tools.FCMacro.
I set in “C:\Users\Me\ksu-config.ini”:
prefix3d_1 = c:\program files\kicad\share\kicad\modules\packages3d
In another tutorial I read because the instruction was unclear to me. Is this the KISYS3DMOD path?

'4. clik on the button to open your kicad pcbnew board file

Okay I think this means in FreeCAD, click “load kicad Board with IDF *.emn”. First I had to figure out one must export the .emn file from kicad. Okay.

'5. watch the script assembling your 3D board with 3D models :slight_smile:

Yes It did, that is great. That is the result I got above. Both pics are from within FreeCAD. The first pic was the Step up render, the second pic was me opening KiCADs VRML file.

I am surprised you tell me I do it in a different order to everyone else. As you can see above I was just trying to follow the document.

it is written STEP models, not step up 3D models … STEP models are 3D files with .STEP extension

You don’t need to export IDF (for learn how to kicad has all the info in its manual), it is possible to open directly the kicad_pcb board in the kicad StepUp tools

I think you need a reset in what you did…

  1. have you copied .STEP and .WRL 3D models from the libraries in the same path?
  2. would you mind to share your kicad board? or just a minor version of that (also as PM if you prefer) I would need to see which path you have inserted for your models

[quote=“mangelozzi, post:37, topic:2542”]
Both pics are from within FreeCAD. the second pic was me opening KiCADs VRML file.[/quote]
Now I see … your VRML export is not fine…
but you see correctly your 3d-viewer in kicad isn’t it?
have you correctly selected the option to export? (2nd time)


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I have been trying to figure out where to set the export options, is it kicad or FreeCAD? I have not seen that screen before. doesnt mention export options (have not had time to watch the videos there, just read the text because I was replying here), and neither does the kicadStepUp-starter-Guide.pdf. I have also watched a few youtube tutorials. This makes me think I am missing a big piece of the puzzle. What should I be reading? Sorry I have not because I dont know how to.

this is kicad pcbnew basic interface…

  • File Export
  • VRML
    I cannot include the kicad manual in StepUp guide…
    Can you confirm that in pcbnew 3d-rendering you see the 3D parts correctly?
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Okay Great! Yes I have now changed the settings to match your screen shot thank you. I was exporting the defaults. So now what I Do with the correctly exported VRML file with FreeCAD…

Yes I do! But it is KiCAD? It hasn’t changed at all from the steps I did above?

PS what problem are we trying to solve :blush:, I get a STEP output file, but its just not as nice as the VRML PCB. I think it is working…as per this image: No?

so what is your prob?

  1. you have your Kicad board and you can see it in internal 3D-viewer
  2. you have a FreeCAD 3D MCAD model of your board and parts both in native FreeCAD file and in STEP format
    then … you are not able to see VRML exported file with parts?
    that is really strange … anyway as I told you you may share the board with the forum or with me to check your internal 3D config… or you may create a test board with i.e. two or three components and do the same conversion for that and see if you have the same prob … then send that test board…
  1. STEP file is a mechanical file for MCAD interchange … not mainly for artistic rendering …
  2. I though you were asking help to interchange STEP data (that is the title of your thread)
  3. you are visualizing the FreeCAD wired interface… changing to ‘Shaded’ will please you a bit, but still you are not in the right path … kicad StepUp is a set of tools for MCAD interchange … if you need just a realistic rendering try to learn Blender…
    that image is done with Blender using all models coming from kicad StepUp…

Also Altium does not export copper or silk
Because Altium does not export either copper or text, the file size is reduced without losing mechanical information about individual objects on the board.
so there is no point in having that, unless you are focused on photo realistic rendering


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Hi Maui, thank you for your great help.

The MCAD work you have done has helped a lot of people. Although photo realistic rendering looks nice, it is not as useful as the .STEP output. .STEP output is what the people want!

I only meant the PCB file has extra info like silkscreen and pads and copper. So I thought maybe one could combine them, but I see no now. KiCAD stepup is way more useful than the VRML output.

Thank you again!

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you can export your VRML for a realistic rendering, but you need a correct configuration…
the Blender rendering it has been done using the kicad VRML export menu…
Moreover you could add silkscreen and pads and copper to MCAD file in a tricky way as I suggested few post before to xavierw … but this is something different and requires more work in MCAD environment…

here there is a fully Open Hardware KiCad project that @Anool did at Hackaday with all STEP and VRML models coming from @Anool, @Joan_Sparky, me and StepUp libraries
I updated the 3D VRML models adding Material Properties as per your Guide Lines

hack-VRML.7z (272.8 KB)

hack-fused_FreeCAD-016.7z (780.7 KB)
and the MCAD + VRML combination (mechanical model plus VRML aesthetics)

They are not as nicer as @xavierw rendering but at least they are GPL’d and fully shareable … this, IMO, is the only way to have a MCAD collaboration, the only other option is buying STEP libraries around
I hope they could be useful for your rendering tests…
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Materials look ok. Was it render in 3d-viewer using all material properties?
Next week I will try render it in raytracing…

I think so (you can see a shiny border of usb connector in 3d-viewer)… anyway I zipped also the VRML files with models up-there so it is just easy as a click to test it

Render with the new work in progress 3d-viewer: