For the KiCad StepUp script to work, you need identical 3D models of each footprint - in .wrl format and in .step format - with both having exactly the same name.
thank you for sharing your nice artwork
I’m happy to see that also breaking holes (mouse bites) are created correctly on the pcb board in MCAD (as they will be if there were castellated pads)
thanks a lot to @Joan_Sparky for having shared his board with me, that I tested to improve my StepUp tools
with kicad StepUp it is also possible to export the STEP ( stp ) and VRML of the full assembly pcb and parts to have a 3D mechanical model to be used in a multi boards project, for mechanical collisions and interference checking as in the following example (main board plus add-on daughterboard)
Hi Anool, oh I see there in lies the problem. Does one get a converter that can batch convert one’s whole kicad library to .step files?
I use FreeCAD to convert .step files to .wrl (using Maurice’s script so the orientation/scale etc are preserved).
Am not aware of a Batch Converter.
there is no way to convert VRML model to STEP with a clean result…
the only way is to have a STEP 3D library and from that do the conversion to VRML
I made already some out of the box libraries to be used just as a substitute of official 3D vrml libraries
have a look at the kicad StepUp Starter Guide
kicad to MCAD workflow
kicad-StepUp-workflow.pdf (198.2 KB)
and, as I suggested in a different post, please have a read at this ‘long’ topic
you can get a lot of useful info and many 3D STEP and VRML models thanks also to @Joan_Sparky nice work!
All VRML models not exported from a MCAD or STEP model are useless in terms of mechanical integration
I’m sorry, but MCAD road requires a bit of homework

… but it will give you a great improvement in pcb designing and mechanical co-design

Like you, @mangelozzi, I spent some time figuring it all out, with a lot of very generous help from Maurice and Joan
As you’ve discovered, with the VRML models, you get the basic “KiCAD only” version:
But once you set up your equivalent Step models, you can then put your PCB assemblies together in MCAD packages and from there do rendering to end up with some pretty realistic looking things
It’s really worth persevering
thanks a lot for sharing your nice artwork!
I’m very happy to see my kicad StepUp code in action
No problem - whatever little I can give back to the help I get on here, it’s more than worth it!
The only thing I’d like to figure out how to do is improve the silkscreen layer. Although you can see it debossed, it’s still the same colour as the PCB and I cannot assign it a different one (easily) because the debossing is “part of the PCB” and doesn’t come across as a different entity allowing colour / materials to be assigned to it.
Maybe I could somehow have an export of the silkscreen layer as a graphic (bitmap) and then stick it back on as a label. That would produce the best looking results I think.
there are two options:
The first one is to add a texture to your board
a) export the Front Silk gerber file with pcbnew (you can replicate it also for front Cu)
b) convert gerber to png with gerbv (
c) set transparent background for the png
d) use the png as texture for your board (this works in FreeCAD)
The second one is more tricky
a) set pcb thickness to 0.1 (design rules-> layer setup-> board thickness)
b) export VRML from pcbnew
c) remove your shapes3D folder or move the file to a different place
d) import this VRML (pcb, tracks, silk) in your MCAD and put it over the board (this works in FreeCAD)
@xavierw please let me know if one of these can work for you
it should be PTC Creo (ProE)
First time I am hearing about that software. Looks powerful.
Just getting to this topic a few days late, but those are some killer renderings!
@xavierw those look stunning, well Done!
@maui thanks for your amazing work with KiCAD step up! That is so great!
I will have to have a second try with KiCAD stepup this weekend. I have downloaded the kicad step library… I really hope theres primitive shapes in it (but can them with FreeCAD I hope).
Thanks for all the help guys!!!
Hi @mangelozzi
there are no simple primitive shapes in the libraries I’ve done…
It is quite easy do i.e. a cube in FC, even more simpler with a script to assign it dimensions and export to STEP and VRML… but why are you looking for that?
If you are worried about a fully populated MCAD board, you may consider to configure kicad StepUp tools to create a STEP board and parts applying bounding boxes to i.e. small volume parts (that will calculate the bounding box of your STEP model automatically) or just export board and i.e. connectors or even a more brutal approach: put only STEP models of the desired parts (i.e. connectors) in the wrl folder, then you will get only pcb and those STEP in your conversion
Here an example of a board with small volume parts discarded, bounding boxes on internal parts, and connector as real STEP models
@kammutierspule, ProE (or Pro Engineer) has been around for years and one of the industry’s main CAD packages. It’s now called Creo (but uses the same file types as ProE).
Also, just to clarify the questions earlier up:
the modelling is done in ProE - I’ve designed the mechanical chassis, mounting points, etc, in Pro/E. Whilst there is rendering in Pro/E, I don’t use it.
Rendering (as you see in the screenshot above) is done in a separate package called Keyshot. Very easy to use and produces some unbelievably realistic renders given the right source material and some patience tweaking. I recently updated my licence to use the latest version and it’s very quick - I probably spent 15-20 minutes creating that render from the exported model in Pro/E.
@maui: thanks, I’ll try the options some time soon and report how I get on.
Hi @xavierw would it be possible to share the kicad project with WRML models? So I can test it in new 3d-viewer render? … Your render is good but I am still not very happy with your results… looks a bit too artificial / “plastic”.
Btw, how long does it take to render your image?
One thing I have done in experimenting with FreeCAD and the scripts to convert to VRML: FreeCAD is not very efficient in saving STEP models. They’re often unecessarily huge in file size (and I think produce large VRML files too).
I often use FreeCAD and the Macro tools to arrange the geometric properties and positioning of the shape so it lines up with the PCB footprint and holes. Then save it as a STEP file, then open the STEP file in Creo and save as a STEP again. Often, the reduction in file size is huge!
Then re-open the new STEP file in FreeCAD and use the VRML export tools.
Another point to note: sometimes, I haven’t bothered trying to create a “real” VRML file if the sole purpose is for CAD export: I have cheated / bypassed the proper VRML file and as long as you have the corresponding STEP file name, the export tools will create a CAD model you can use. Of course, doing it this way means the KiCAD 3D viewer isn’t of much use, but if the primary purpose is to generate a MCAD file you can use in another 3D package, then it doesn’t matter
For example, I used KiCAD’s built-in MLCC cap VRML models, but used a “nicer” looking STEP model (downloaded from 3dcadcentral). The transformers you see in the background I created directly in Creo and exported as a STEP so KiCAD export tools work.
@kammutierspule, I’ll have to see how I can package it up, it’s a bit complicated with path configurations, etc.
Rendering the image depends on resolution and lighting parameters. The HD resolutions above probably took a few minutes on my i5-3570K PC slightly overclocked.
It makes sense, it is something of the external world of kicad.
If it is possible (easier?) as you describe, could you send me just the VRML exported by StepUp from that STEP you said that you assembled?
FreeCAD is adding tessellation properties to STEP as in AP214-AP242 new specifications
`- polylines (points, curves,…) , already use in STEP AP214
- or tessellated , new in AP242 `
anyway, as you pointed out, re-opening and saving it in a different CAD will remove tessellated info, reducing heavily the file size
[quote=“xavierw, post:24, topic:2542”]
Then save it as a STEP file, then open the STEP file in Creo and save as a STEP again. Often, the reduction in file size is huge![/quote]
[quote=“xavierw, post:24, topic:2542”]
(and I think produce large VRML files too).[/quote]
for that reason I updated the VRML export tool in kicad StepUp, the VRML model exported is up to 10-20 times reduced and the format is much more compatible (i.e. it is possible to load it in Blender) and can be easily manipulated for adding Material Properties
[quote=“xavierw, post:24, topic:2542”]
For example, I used KiCAD’s built-in MLCC cap VRML models, but used a “nicer” looking STEP model (downloaded from 3dcadcentral).[/quote]
please be careful that 3dcontentcentral has a very restrictive license
You may use Data for internal computer-aided design use only. You may not (i) distribute Data as part of any service, (ii) copy or post any Data on any Internet site without permission of the owner of the Data, (iii) broadcast Data via any media, or (iv) use the Data in a manner that is competitive with the 3D ContentCentral service.
they are very nice and useful for personal use in MCAD designing, but having a kicad MCAD repository would be the best IMO, particularly if you need to share your MCAD model to third parties or in case i.e. an Open Source Hardware OSH design