Thank you for the info. I dont know how to use FreeCAD yet, And maybe I am slower and not as smart as the other people who have used your great script. I have read many of your posts, but many are all rather similar which state what to do, but not how to do it. I also read the document linked about why MCAD, and I have tried the demo. I have been mainly trying to follow:
kicadStepUp-starter-Guide.pdf because it is the official documentation.
I started at the beginning and am working my way through the document.
This is what I did…
On Page 7, under:
’8. How To (using kicad StepUp the best way)
- just copy the STEP 3d models in the same folder in which there are your wrl 3d models"
As a newbie I think what step up 3D models? Isnt that what I am trying to make? I didnt understand step up combines existing models, I am still not sure I do. That’s why I had to ask here. I think it would help greatly to new people if you added a link in the document where to get the models, and that KiCAD step up combines other step up models are a combination of other step up models?
I downloaded these models from:
And placed them in:
C:\Program Files\KiCad\packages3d_MCAD
C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\kicad\modules\packages3d
'2. export the STEP models, scaled 1/2.54 to wrl with the same name of the STEP model (e.g. r_0603.wrl # r_0603.step); in this way your 3D board in kicad pcbnew 3d-viewer and in FreeCAD workbench will look perfectly aligned
Confused, I already downloaded the models? Is this for models that aren’t in the library…? Must I open each .VRML and convert it to step with FreeCAD? Since I have the library models I proceeded to step 3…
'3. open in FreeCAD the Macro kicad-StepUp-tools.FCMacro
So I copied kicad-StepUp-tools.FCMacro into my Kicad project folder.
I opened it and saw a green play triangle to run the script… I think that is right…
and edit the config file
ksu-config.ini (which is autogenerate at first running of the macro) with e.g. notepad
changing your model prefix to your KISYS3DMOD path
It is created every time I run kicad-StepUp-tools.FCMacro.
I set in “C:\Users\Me\ksu-config.ini”:
prefix3d_1 = c:\program files\kicad\share\kicad\modules\packages3d
In another tutorial I read because the instruction was unclear to me. Is this the KISYS3DMOD path?
'4. clik on the button to open your kicad pcbnew board file
Okay I think this means in FreeCAD, click “load kicad Board with IDF *.emn”. First I had to figure out one must export the .emn file from kicad. Okay.
'5. watch the script assembling your 3D board with 3D models 
Yes It did, that is great. That is the result I got above. Both pics are from within FreeCAD. The first pic was the Step up render, the second pic was me opening KiCADs VRML file.
I am surprised you tell me I do it in a different order to everyone else. As you can see above I was just trying to follow the document.