How to select Output Format when Plotting schematics, reliably and automatically?

Hi, I am trying to plot schematics automatically (with xdotool)

But it looks like there is no reliable way of selecting the “Output Format” when it is focused.

The currently focused item is the latest used icon which is unknown to me unless I can get it from any place in the filesystem. But I could not find a single file in the project folder and also in the /home/$USERS/.config/kicad that gives me this information.

Also, using arrow up/down keys is not reliable since the list is cyclic and the initially selected item is unknown to me.

Also, Page-up and Page-down to move to the first/last item on this list do not work here.

I tried to find any possible key and combination of keys to select the right item but I could not find a reliable way of doing this.

So my questions are:

  • Is there a way to get the value of the initially selected item?
  • Is there a way to select an item on this list by position?
  • Is there any alternative way of selecting the output format in a reliable way?
  • Should I file a bug report since page-up/down keys are not working here?

Cool, I found it, it is stored in

  "plot": {
    "background_color": false,
    "color": true ,
    "color_theme": "user",
    "format": 5,
    "frame_reference": true,
    "hpgl_origin": 0,
    "hpgl_paper_size": 0,
    "hpgl_pen_size": 0.5

The format is the thing.
And this is the sequence if I am not mistaken

// format ids
  ps - 2
 pdf - 4
 svg - 5
 dxf - 3
hpgl - 0

macOS stores the same file here

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