Is there a hotkey to make KiCad select the next object/ the object under the one I select?
For example I want to select the capacitor C16, but when I click on it, it selects the text “C16” and not the capacitor. Its understandable, I have made the capacitor small and the text large, (but thats how I want it to be)
When I was using Designspark, there was a hotkey to “Select next” object, aka select the object that you would select if the current selected object wasn’t there.
You can do this with a long click. If you keep the mouse button depressed for about a second, a menu will pop up which shows all thing under the mouse cursor, and you can select one of the items from the menu.
Probably the easiest way to select what you want is to hold the mouse button depressed while over the text, you will then be given a list of what is at that location so you can select what you want.