i found, that i can highlight all Vias that have no Net via the menue Edit::Edit Track & Via Prop…. but i need to select it to change the net to GND.
is there an easy way for this? as example select the highlighted, or something other?
I have the same issue!!!
KiCAD 8 bug !
When placing a via on no copper, it should assume you mean GND !!
Uncheck the Automatically update via nets option and all available nets will be displayed. Select the GND net in you case.
I don’t think so. I’m fine with how Kicad is currently managing this.
At least en V8.0.7 (Linux):
If a via is placed in a non-copper zone → No net is assigned to this via
If a via is placed in a copper zone (for example GND) → GND net is assigned to this via
If a via is placed in a copper zone with many nets overlapped (for example Zone F.Cu [GND] and Zone B.Cu [3V3] → KiCad gives you a list of both nets to assign.
What sometimes disturbs me is that later when you modify something sometimes via lost its net. I suppose switching off automatically update via nets can fix it but may be also degrading the behavior where you place it for the first time. Didn’t checked it.
I’ve just checked but I’m not sure we’re talking about the same thing… In this example G_LED_ON track/via and R_LED_ON track/via are tied to a QFN pin12 and pin13 respectively.
Removing R_LED_ON connecting G_LED_ON to the pin13 on schematics and then updating PCB from Schematic lead to this:
As a result KiCad updates the old R_LED_ON track/via net assignment to the new one.
What you describe while upgrading from schematic seems me expected behavior.
I didn’t tried to investigate my problem and during weekends being at home I have here Win7 and as from V6 KiCad need Win10 I didn’t tried to install at home later version than V5.
I place GND and VCC vias individually and later connect what I want to them.
What I write is just what I suppose, can’t check it at the moment. I think that what disturbed me was when I have GND zone at one layer and VCC on the other. Then any correction to GND zone shape makes it being unfilled, what I don’t notice as I work with zone filling being not shown. Now when I move GND via (not connected to any track at that moment) it gets VCC net (as after being shift it touches VCC zone filling). Than I am trying to connect capacitor GND pad back to its via and am surprised that KiCad refuses to do it.
This behavior probably can be blocked by setting in preferences but I don’t know if it will also degrade in some way behavior were first time placing via. I just got that situation may be twice in last month and was not enough to check all what-if… and since 2 weeks I’m not in KiCad but in C++.