Is it possible to activate a mode that allows you to directly select a footprint after clicking on it? I can move components quickly, I need to hide print layers and fabrication as well as component values. The problem, however, is that if I hit the pad, it moves only with the pad and not the whole footprint.
I remember that there was an icon for this purpose in the KiCAD 4 toolbar.
Another way I like is to have both schematic and PCB open (or print schematic on a dead tree for reference), press ‘t’ in Pcbnew and type the Refdes of the component you want to move.
I use both methods, but I do not like that if I do not have hidden references and values, sometimes when I press M moves only references.
Alternatively, if I click on the footprint and press M, sometimes I only activate the reference or even just the pad, which makes it impractical for me to move quickly with components.
I would like to be able to click or place the cursor on anything that belongs to the footprint and have the ability to move with the footprint.
Scheme cooperation is a great feature, especially when a person has hidden component references. Unfortunately, however, it is not yet possible to select the whole group of objects in the scheme and transfer the selection to the board.