How to reset PCBnew frame origin to 0; 0

By chance, I detected that the origin of the PCBnew frame (outer border, upper left corner of the red coloured PCBnew frame) is X: 10.00 and Y: 10.00. Is this correct?
Actually, I was expecting it to be X: 0.00 and Y: 0.00.

Is this a setting problem on my side?
How can I reset the origin to X: 0.0 and Y: 0.0, please?

I am using the Kicad version 5.1.8. Please refer to the version info below.

Application: Pcbnew
Version: (5.1.8)-1, release build
wxWidgets 3.0.5
libcurl/7.71.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1g (Schannel) zlib/1.2.11 brotli/1.0.7 libidn2/2.3.0 libpsl/0.21.0 (+libidn2/2.3.0) libssh2/1.9.0 nghttp2/1.41.0
Platform: Windows 8 (build 9200), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW
Build Info:
wxWidgets: 3.0.5 (wchar_t,wx containers,compatible with 2.8)
Boost: 1.73.0
OpenCASCADE Community Edition: 6.9.1
Curl: 7.71.0
Compiler: GCC 10.2.0 with C++ ABI 1014

Build settings:

Thanks for your help in advance.
Best regards


(0, 0) is the upper left corner of the “Worksheet”, and not of the border drawn on the worksheet.

KiCad V5.1.8 is also getting a bit old now. The current version is V5.1.10 and it’s quite safe to upgrade. It’s just bug fixes, and maybe a few small cherry picked items.

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Regarding the color ‘Red’… depends on User’s setup.

If you’re referring to the ‘Page’ border that surrounds the PCB’s work area, then, 10mm is the default. You can edit the Worksheet and change that by changing the Margins… (use the Worksheet Editor)… see below

Changed to 2mm Could have changed them to 0,0,0,0


Many thanks to both of you for clarifying the issue for me. After using KiCad for over 1 year, I have learned something new again and yet I am afraid that this was not the last item: :grinning:
Up to now, I was always satisfied with measuring component coordinates with reference to the edge of my project PCB (edge cuts) and it never really occurred to me that the component coordinates shown by the KiCad while selecting the “Edit” option for a component are with reference to the outer boundary of the Pcbnew frame.

Thanks for the information about the availability of the KiCad version 5.1.10. I would update my installation immediately.

Best regards

FYI, there is an issue created in bug tracker, please upvote. v6 is going to be shipped with with this issue unsolved :confused:

Do you know that whenever you press the spacebar, the “dx” and “dy” coordinates are reset to zero, and these can be used to make easy distance measurements by just moving the cursor?


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Yes, the spacebar triggered reset feature of “dx” and “dy” coordinates in KiCad is known to me and in fact, I use it quite often.
This is in contrast to the “reference point” of x and y coordinates displayed in the KiCad “edit window” of a given component. This feature was not on my radar.
Thanks for your help.
Best regards

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