How to remove every wire/connection in schematics?

Just as the title: How to remove every wire/connection in schematics, preferable by just one or 2 clicks?

My apologies. I wonder for version 7 or 8 or 8.99

As always: would be nice to know the used kicad version.

v6/v7/v8: box select only some nets, command “expand selection” (standard hotkey: Alt+4), delete. Repeat for remaining net segments on same sheet. Repeat for every subsheet. So currently no 1 click solution.

v8.99 (==v9 next year 2025): enable only “Wires” in the selection filter. box-select (or hotkey CTRL+A) all wires on the currently open sheet. Delete. Repeat for every subsheet. Still no 1 click solution.

edit: version information corrected

V9 will exist only after a year or so. Now it’s 8.99, unstable development version. (Not every reader knows that.)

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Ok thanks, strange this is not easy.

eelik, how “instable” would you say the 8.99xx versions are? Do you think it’s a bad idea to run these versions for new, smaller or bigger projects, maybe in parallell mode with version 8.x? What specific is the dangerous part(s)?

I didn’t mean to confuse you with comment about Python…

This updated Video shows Deleting All the Wires in 2-Clicks.

Be careful! Make a Copy/Backup first.

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That’s cool but a bit over the top, for me. Thanks for the suggestion though. The word “python” or “code” is not really my thing :slight_smile:

The higher the third digit the less buggy is the current stable version (V8).
I will move from V7 to V8 when it will be 8.0.2 or 8.0.3.
8.99 is unstable by definition. Developers can change file formats any day so one day 8.99 can work then next day it can not work. When V9 release day will be coming (end of 2024, I think) 8.99 will be more stable.

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That’s an interesting question. I haven’t used KiCad recently so much that I would have a gut feeling.

I can give an anecdote: before v5 was released I started learning KiCad with v4. Very soon I tried and decided to move to pre-5 development version despite it being unstable, because it was more advanced than v4. I used it for real work, I designed board with it. It crashed several times a day. I fed reports to the issue database (which was launchpad back then) and the developers fixed them quickly. I feel the decision was right.

No bug is a real showstopper if you save often, are ready to downgrade to yesterday’s build or wait for the next day, use a text editor on the files, ask for help here or whatever it takes. It also helps if you can use a platform on which it’s easy to compile KiCad continually – you can get bugfixes right when they are committed (+ the build time).

I have a feeling that the recent major release cycles have been much more stable than pre-5 and pre-6 cycles. There are less thoroughgoing changes in the code base and more smaller feature additions.

Again: save often, so often that you don’t want to smash your computer with your head when KiCad crashes.

Probably the biggest problem is “plugins”. You may find certain plugins cease working and you may have to wait several months (until the X.99 is released as a stable product) before they are once again usable.

Thanks for interesting answers and ideas! Yeah, it’s better to wait with whatever software we use even if the new functions may seem much needed. It seems v8 also has bugs, for example the small bug that the background colours in the 3d viewer is not possible to change. At least not here :slight_smile:

Update: In v8.02 the 3D-viewer background colour settings is working.