How to Plot PDF document property "Author"?


I’m not totally sure if this is the correct category for this question so please redirect me if needed. I am wondering if there is a way to plot to PDF, schematic or board, with the “Author” and/or “Subject” metadata that would show in the PDF Document Properties when viewed with a PDF viewer (i.e. Acrobat Reader, or Foxit)?

Thank you for your time,

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What is the result that you obtaing at the moment ? and with which version?

Both fields are empty. KiCAD 8.0 (same results for 7.0). Shows the same whether viewing with Adobe Reader or Foxit.

I think you can modify the drawing template like this:

And use comment 1 in the page settings as author.

Will that get propagated to the Author filed in the PDF ? I suspect not . . .

You are correct. None of the built in fields get propagated to the Author or Subject fields of the PDF document properties. I suspect there needs to be a built in field that works like ${title} does. It propagates to the PDF properties. Perhaps I need to make a feature request to the KiCAD development team.

Thank you to those that took the time to respond to my question.


This seems to be the plotter used for PDF output, and it does seem to populate some fields, but not really anything from the sheet.

Thank you for the link. I read somewhere to post here for feedback/interest from other users before creating a formal bug/feature request on Gitlab. Should I go ahead and make the Gitlab request?


Both options are available, you can go ahead and create the feature request and later post the link on this thread, maybe it will get the discussion going if the people see more details about the feature that you are requesting.