How to place bus entry right-up?

I think I have most of footprints I will need so I begun to draw schematic.
I can place bus entry right-down, and can rotate it.
But how to place bus entry right-up to be able then copy it 30 times by Ins key ?

When I select bus entry tool then I should see that bus entry with coursor and be able to rotate it before placeing. I am surprised it not works that way :slight_smile:

Place a bus entry then right click on it.

Click the option to “Set Bus Entry Shape”.

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Thanks. It works.
I was trying to use right-click before placeing the bus entry.

It works, but took me some time to find what is going on.
“Set Bus Entry Shape” changes the shape for next bus entry inserted normally but not for inserted by Ins key (if used before putting next entry normally).

I have next bus-related question.
I have left 50 mils too little space for Labels. So I wont to move bus a little. G - works perfectly for bus and all its entries. But how to move lables. If I try to select them the wires are also selected.
I end up with mowing one after another.

With “Set Bus Entry Shape” you can also swap the direction of a bus entry already in the schematic. (and it remers it for new entrys added) (This was new to me too, never tried it before).

If your wires are longer then your labels, then you can first draw a box around the lot and do a block move of both wires and labels.

Then do a second block move with only the wires and put them back where they were.

If you move a component, and then press tab while moving, it changes to drag and the length of attached wires are adjusted.

This only works well for horizontal or vertical moves, or else you’ll get diagonal wires. I’ve read some rumors this functionality is improved in the latest nightlies, but have no experience with this myself.

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G is for grab move. It moves drags connected stuff with the thing you move.

There is also the normal move mode via the M hotkey that allows you to move things in isolation.

However remember if you move the label away that way you will break the connection. (labels need to be connected to the wire or pin in question to take affect)

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