I got a new computer and I installed Kicad again on win11 (it was on win10) and now when I open my existing project I get errors like:
Un-terminsated delimted string in ‘path+file.kicad_sch’, line xyz, offset xyz.
Expected ’ locked,placed, tedit, tstamp, at, descr, tags,…, version or model’ in ’ path+file.kicad_pcb, line xyz, offset xyz.
So I was wondering: What is the exact process of reinstalling kicad on a new PC and get everything exactly how it was. (I still have my old harddisk available as external drive).
I am assuming this will solve my problems, because the project worked fine a few days before I got my new PC. It actually was my first project and a serious amount of work got into it. I was about to finish one last thing before I could order my very first pcb. So I would be really really happy if we are able to solve my problem here.
The files have unreadable carbage on the mentioned linenumbers…does not look good. I took the youngest backup and took al the files from that zip and replaced my project with it. Now they open okay!
So I guess that my project files got corrupted when moving my data to my new pc… really happy with the fact that kicad makes these backups!
Yes, indeed. Turns out Kicad is rather friendly when moving to a new PC. Bad NVME drive was the cause of the problems. Case closed. Project finished, tomorrow order first PCB ;-D.