How to move KiCad to new PC

I’ve got a new PC. Is there a way to move all my personal preferences and so on to the new PC?

I think we really need to know the OS? My Debian 12 instructions probably wouldn’t be much use to a Windows 10 user?

It‘s win10 to win11.
I did not expect this to be relevant…

Well, most users here are Windows. :wink:

This should get you on the right track: KiCad | 7.0 | English | Documentation | KiCad

And: Transfer KiCad preferences between computers and OSs - #2 by albin

Obviously backup everything (KiCad related) before you start . . .

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I use KiCad at two Win10 PCs. At one daily, at second occasionally.
I have all KiCad directories organized the same way at both.
Except my working files the only what I copy is the C:\Users\Piotr\AppData\Roaming\kicad directory.

Truly I have there 3 kicad directories:
kicad_mm - it is my working
kicad_default - it is default KiCad installation (I sometimes use to report a bug)
kicad_spice - it is new - I have tried to use KiCad-Spice recently.
According to configuration I want to work I rename one of them to “kicad”.
They differ with library lists and may be some other settings done during work. From time to time I backup them and when I want to work on this second PC I copy this directories from backup.

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Thanks to all of you!
As @Piotr 's hint is the most simple, and worked well, I marked it “solution”.


I use on two PCs. I keep my data on cloud and sync locations are same in both PCs.
e.g. D:\OneDrive\hardware

inside that I have directory structure as follows:
kicad\3dmodels - all downloaded 3d model files
kicad\footprints - all downloaded and custom footprint libraries
kicad\symbols - all downloaded and custom symbol libraries
projects - all my hardware projects here
reference - all hardware references
docs - datasheets and other stuff

In kicad configuration all these paths are fixed and they are all synced in machines I use. With this method i can use kicad on any system where my cloud drive is synced. irrespective of system type.