How to make one via untented?

There are two issues:

  1. The bug:

There is a setting for making the vias untented in the dialogue to generate gerbers.

Yet the vias are all tented in the gerbers.

  1. How do we set the vias to be tented or not tented individually?

Never mind, for the first. It seems the confusion was at the fab house.

The second point is real, it would be useful to be able to make just one via untented.

I am not aware of a solution for this, but there is an effective workaround to make a footprint with a THT pad and use that. With a THT pad you have control over all layers. KiCad has “testpoint” symbols and footprints to work with these, but it’s also easy to create these with any size you desire of course.

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What do you want it for, a testpoint? There are symbols and footprints for those.

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