How to make holes for jumper wires/probing for a FESTO-like board

If you want a professional finish:

  1. Use the toner to print the Kicad schematics to a thin sheet of white acetate.
  2. Glue sheet to the copper.
  3. Drill holes through the PCB
  4. Fit insulated banana plug sockets through the PCB
  5. Solder resistors to the sockets.

This avoids all the mess of etching .

You won’t be doing this if you don’t have a CNC mill. So, only to add to the mix of things to know and avoid etching… mill it.

CopperCAM has a feature to mill all the copper off (except the Pads/Traces/other…). One click and done.


What a fun project!
The festo board you’re refering to seems to be using this type of lab connector jack:

If you open the datasheet, there’s unfortunately no specifications for the part footprint. Footprint meaning the hole- and pad size that you design into the PCB wherever you want to mount the jack. But if you decide to use it I’ll help to decide a proper footprint spec.

The datasheet also lists some alternatives you can consider for banana jack/lab cables.

Sure you have to make it so large? I would think it’d be fun to have a handheld version using smt resistors, machined header sockets and jumper wires, then PCBs would be dirt cheap.

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