Back from holidays. Realised that there are a lot of threads that are above my pay grade as they say around here so won’t concern me.
Is there a way to make all highlighted threads “read” without actually entering them? I searched but it seems that the Discourse developers are ideologically opposed to such a feature that is present in other forum packages.
I suppose I’ll just have to put aside my obsession with making all threads “read”.
KiCad is the first and only forum I read so I don’t know what others offer.
I don’t know if it is a question of some settings - never searched for it but I don’t see difference between read and not read threads. But each time I login I see the ‘last visit’ line and read titles of threads only above it opening interesting once.
Is anywhere there a description how forum works - for example to understand why some of threads above ‘last visit’ line have number of new posts shown and others not.
Opening forum next time I noticed that some threads are grayed on what I have never before point any attention
I think it happens only when ‘last visit’ line is not moved even I logout and after 30 minutes login. I don’t know why it is not moved. But typically if it is moved then all threads over it are not grayed and probably because of it I never treated it (graying) as any important information.
Here’s the feature in the EEVblog forum. It’s really easy to catch up on that forum. I go to all unread threads, cherry-pick the ones I’m interested in, and to discard the rest, I click on Mark All Messages as Read.
My search on Discourse turned up a discussion on the Discourse forum where a developer was arguing with a user who like me wanted this feature. The developer insisted that the feature didn’t make sense.