How to import *.sch file generated from DesignSpark?

I am new to KiCad.

When I use KiCad on windows to open a .sch file generated from DesignSpark , it shows an error " *.sch is not an eeschema file". I want to know if KiCad and DesignSpark use the same file format, or I should change some configuration before importing *.sch from other software.

Any information on the usage of this software would be extremely appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

Generally speaking, all EDA uses different file formats, KiCad can not read DesignSpark files.

I used DesignSpark once I think, I no longer have it installed so can’t look at the export options. I believe DesignSpark can import some formats such as Eagle, I couldn’t find any references to exporting designs from DesignSpark.

I expect you will have to re-create projects in KiCad.

Thanks for your description.

I didn’t noticed that importing *.sch file from Eagle to DesignSpark is a special case. Luckily, I don’t have too many projects need to be re-created.