I have imported a schematic from some ODB files from an Analog Devices Evaluation Kit. I am using part of the Analog Devices schematic in my KiCad project - all perfectly legal as I checked with Analog Devices. I copied the Analog Devices schematic and pasted it into a sheet in my KiCad project, and removed the unnecessary components. Is there a simple way, i.e. better than editing each component one at a time, to import the footprints for each of the components in this copied schematic? All the components are SMT, if that matters.
Also, are there any gotchas I need to worry about when importing a schematic into a project like this?
No, because only you know what packages you will use on the PCB. eg. IC are often available in several packages. Resistors and Capacitors are certainly available in many packages.
You mentioned above that you copy / pasted. Now you mention Importing. There is a big difference.
Copy / paste is just lines on the screen. Importing changes the A.D. schematic to a Kicad schematic.
@jmk Thanks for your response. I am finding that if I import the DigiKey KiCad library of component footprints, a lot of the ones I need are in the dk library, so I can avoid a separate search/download/import step for each component. A small time saver.
In Kicad 7, copying and pasting from one Kicad schematic to another across projects maintains all the schematic information. I had already imported the ODB files into a separate Kicad project. I think at this point, we are in violent agreement.