How to group components together

Not sure the subject is the best way to describe my query so best to show an example:

I’m busy with a project that will have some common elements to the TL866 programmer and looking to have the same switching for VDD/GND as in the schematic.

In the PDF on the 3rd page, there is a group for GND switch details which contains a box with 2 components. Rather than duplicate the 2 components for every single pin they just refer to it as 25xGND switch

This makes the schematic look simpler and a lot smaller.

Full schematic here:

Can something like this be done in KiCAD schematic and will the PCB layout pick up that there is 25 of each. Or do I need to create the schematic for 25 resistors, 25 transistors etc.

Using hierarchical sheets there are two ways of doing something similar, but AFAIK there is nothing in KiCAD that will fully replicate the functionality of the example.

  1. You could have a hierarchical schematic with one instance of the sub-circuit. This would require 25 hierarchical sheet objects on the parent sheet all pointing to the same schematic file. This way if you want to (for example) change the footprint of the resistor on all the subcircuits, you would only need to change one resistor and all the objects would pick that up. A disadvantage is the parent sheet might look a little cluttered with the 25 individual hierarchical sheet objects.
  2. Or, you could have a single hierarchical schematic that includes 25 copies of the sub-circuit. This would only require one hierarchical sheet object more closely simulating the IC look and feel of the sample schematic. A disadvantage (using the same example) is if you wanted to change the footprint of the resistor on all the subcircuits you would need to change all 25 copies on the hierarchical schematic. The “Edit Symbol Fields…” tool would help reducing operator error (i.e. forgetting to change one out of the 25 copies).

Those are my thoughts. Others may have different insights to this.

BTW; if you aren’t familiar with KiCad hierarchical sheets, check out this FAQ entry:

I think your first option, with an extra hierarchical sheet as parent might work.

Thanks, will give this a shot. I’d better start off with some hierarchical tutorials.

Here’s a good starting point:

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