How to get KiCad 3D model into FreeCad?

I have downloaded FreeCad and can stumble around in it. I would like to get an existing KiCad 3D model into FreeCad and play around with it. Would someone please give me the easiest way to just get one open in FreeCad? Thanks.

The “easiest” way is: PCB Editor / File / Export / STEP and then import that in FreeCAD.

A more elaborate way is to use the KiCad Step Up workbench in FreeCAD (You have to install taht in FreeCAD first). This has a lot of functionality for bidirectional data exchange between KiCad and FreeCAD, but as anything in FreeCAD, it has a learning curve on it’s own.


some tips at:


Thanks. I did it the easy way you suggested, and it came over just fine. However, after selecting and clicking here and there, I accomplished nothing. So I have installed the KiCad Step Up workbench, and it looks promising as well as intimidating.

I downloaded the cheat sheet. Thanks for the link.

Wouldn’t it export the whole PCB?
I understood "existing KiCad 3D model as element model and not the whole PCB.

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