is there an addon to generate Pick n Place files ?
What is the preferred methodology to generate Pick n Place files from our Kicad PCB ?
top.pos ?
then we assign feeder information ? ( reely only matching the component value to the feeder number , I guess)
I see some mention of Py scripts, but how do you run them ?
This is the file created on the PnP machine after a manual placement/rotation across all components.
This is in XML, hence the question…
This is only showing 2 components for ease on the eye, but it is the whole file otherwise.
Since every pick and place machine is different, there is no standard way to create a file for specific machines.
In pcbnew, File->Fabrication Outputs->Footprint Position can be used to generate a file containing component positions. You can then use that file to generate a file suitable for you machine.