How to flip a component on the same side?

How can I flip a component on the same side? So the top pin should become the bottom pin, and the bottom pin the top pin.

I have an Arduino Shield which pins should be inverted because I want to solder the pins on the other side of the shield (compared to the footprint assumption).

If I hit FLIP, then the pins are correctly but the text/outline etc is placed on the BACK.

I can fix this by hitting FLIP and then move all labels back to Front Silk. However then the outline is still on the back. How do I get the outline back on front? If I change that, component back to front then it is flipped again in the wrong (original way). And is there an easier way to do this at once?

You can’t ‘flip’ a component on the same side. R for rotate it maybe? A footprint is fixed by the component constraints. If you want to actually change pins you will have to edit the footprint or create a new one. Somewhere under help you’ll find a list of hot keys.

There is No flip horiz/vert but, perhaps this will help - you can Mirror it but, only in footprint Edit mode… From there, if result is not what you want, then Flip/other tweaks…

out-of-band, what did u use to generate this GIF, IFF on windows?

The App is “Drop To Gif” on a Mac.

If I understand you correctly, then this is what you want. Typically with through-hole components, the side of the board with the text/outline indicates which side to place the component.

Alexu is right. The problem is the Arduino board isn’t like a typical TH component, the pins can be soldered either way.

One way out is to derive a new footprint for that orientation.

Why not simply ignore it?
THT Footprints are not called THT for nothing.
You can simply leave the PCB as is, and then insert the connectors from the other side.

A slightly less simplistic approach is to just move the top silkscreen of the connectors to the bottom with:
Pcbnew / Edit / Edit Text & Graphic Properties

I have not looked at your PCB, but if each (single row) connector is individually movable, then you can simply use f for Flip to move them to the bottom one by one.

If you think you may want do do this more often, then make a personal template library, copy (with a file manager) the right “arduino” template into it, and do the above changes once for all your coming projects.

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