How to edit property fields of multiple components

Here is my issue, I have a bunch of capacitor with all the same value and I would like to apply to all of them the same footprint and the same part number (for ordering purpose). Is there an easy way to do this ?

Thanks for the help.


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If you know this is going to be the case when you create the schematic, place the first capacitor and edit the fields. Even assign the package to the capacitor at that point. Then copy the part to all new instances. The fields will be replicated.

Another way is to edit the schematic file in a text editor after the fact.

There may be a better way to do this, but this is what I do.


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There is also an (I think) external python script called KiPart KiField that does this.
Just search the forum.

And just a remainder - if you run your own libraries with your own parts (how many different ones do you use really?) - you can pre-assign all those things (footprint, mnf part number, etc.) and live happily thereafter :hugging:

KiField lets you export all your schematic component properties into a CSV file, edit them, and then import them back into the schematic.


Seems very promising ! I’ll try. Thank you for the help.

