How to draw an arrow?

I would like to create a symbol with arrows.
How to add an arrow for a symbol ?
Shall I draw it or can I use another symbol (e.g an arrow from the Graphic library) and paste it on my symbol ?

What is the electrical function of the arrow? Or do you just want to annotate something?

You can also add an arrow as text. The KiCad’s internal font has unicode arrows. I take it from LibreOffice -> Insert -> Special Character and copy it to clipboard, or you can copy it from e.g. here:


An RF function. I want to create a Z-wave device.
An arrow as text is not an option for me: that doesn’t symbolize a wave.

Sorry, this still not clear. You want to create an arrow on the symbol so that it one can read it on the schematic, and there is nothing on the PCB corresponding to the arrow? Sorry I don’t know how to put anything but characters on a symbol.

Or you want an arrow in the copper? (I assume not since you put this question in the schematic section of the forum.)

Well then show us an example of an arrow which can symbolize a wave.

e.g a lightning could symbolized a RF wave
or a wifi symbol

Here is my symbol:

The arrows don’t symbolize a RF-wave

The question could have how to draw a z-wave component !

I must be missing something because drawing things like Arrows and Wave forms is too easy using the Draw Tools.

Examples below… just a few clicks to do it…

Screen Shot 2020-02-20 at 3.47.53 PM

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Nice! that is indeed terrific. Thank you for the vid tutorial. it is helpful. i like it!

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