How to drag footprints with its connected tracks?

In the 8.0 release announcement page, there is a list of the main changes/improvements. It shows a video/animation of dragging multiple footprints that have tracks, and the maneuver drags and re-routes the tracks on-the-fly.

How do I do that? I tried, with single or multiple footprints, but it doesn’t work (the footprint(s) is/are moved but not the tracks). I tried both on v8.0 and v7.0 (the page says that in v7, there was limited functionality to move individual footprints with tracks connected).

Use D (Drag 45 Degree Mode) to drag.

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Seems to work on v7. On v8, albeit with a layout created with v7, I wonder: am I still doing something wrong, or is this functionality still catastrophically buggy? (I don’t mean to sound critical or overdramatic or ungrateful — it really fails catastrophically!)

See screenshot:

I first selected R1 and R2 and Dragged them; only one of the tracks going to the HH pin of R5 was dragged with it; all other tracks remained as they were. Not only that; the action left the four “phantom pads” where the resistors were, with net labels and all; except that there is nothing in there; if I click, the copper zone gets selected; I do B to fill the zone, and the zone fills over those “phantom pads”.

I then selected Q1 and Dragged it. The result was identical to having clicked M to move it, or to just click on it and move the mouse (“mouse-drag it”) — Q1’s footprint moved alone, no tracks moved with it.

Behaviour seems somewhat “random”: I closed without saving and reopened; tried dragging R5 alone; a bit better: the same issue with dragging only one track (the one coming from the left to the HH pin), but at least it did not leave the “phantom pads”.

I did UNDO to bring R5 back to its original position and then repeated dragging both resistors; exact same behaviour with respect to not dragging the tracks with them, but this time only R5 left the phantom pads behind.

So, again, am I doing something wrong? Is it that it won’t work because this is a layout created with v7 and opened with v8? (although it had been saved after being opened with v8, so it is in principle a v8 layout file).

Phantom pads is a bug that’s already fixed in 8.0 testing builds.

Verify that your track ends are connected to pad centers by selecting a pad or footprint and pressing U. Otherwise it may not work.

Ok, that was the issue.

There is still another issue, somewhat similar to this: because the track connecting the two HH pads of the two resistors is a single track (that happens to pass exactly through the center of the via), then when dragging, that track moves with the two resistors remaining a straight line between them, disconnecting from the via as if the via wasn’t there. If I individually connect each resistor pad to the via, then the dragging maintains the “anchor” at the via, as expected.

I can see how from an implementation perspective, this may be challenging to do; but would you agree that it is a misfeature?

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Sounds like a bug worth reporting to the issue tracker:

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