How do I drag a section of layout, stretching or contracting the tracks that extend outside the selection?
Here’s a picture:
I’ve selected a portion of my layout by selecting from right to left. This includes some footprints, vias, and tracks. I want to move everything in the selection to the right, and I want the tracks that extend to the right outside of the selection to contract, remaining connected as they are.
A similar situation would be dragging the selection to the left, when I’d want the tracks to stretch.
“Drag” doesn’t appear in the RMB context menu, and hitting the “G” hotkey cancels the selection. If I use “Move” (“M” hotkey) or just start dragging the selection, the right-hand endpoints of all the tracks extending outside the selection also move, making a mess on the right side.
If I select the same area from left to right, the selection doesn’t include the tracks not entirely within the selection area. Moving the selection to the right moves the footprints, but the tracks not selected don’t contract, leaving a mess on the left side.
I thought this worked in some previous versions of KiCad, but maybe I’m misremembering. This works fine in some other CAD products (*cough*Eagle v7*cough*).
Is there a way to do what I’m trying to do in KiCad 8? (I’m currently on 8.0.7). Maybe in 9?