How to Divide an MPU Symbol into Smaller Units Based on Pin Names in KiCad?

I’m working with an MPU that has a large number of pins, and I want to divide its symbol into smaller units based on pin names, similar to how they are grouped in the development board schematic. The default symbol divides pins based on their pin numbers, but I’d like to organize them by pin names and functionality, as seen in the schematic. Additionally, I want to split the symbol into smaller, more manageable units. How can I achieve this efficiently?

symbol i want to split

split in symbol i want to achieve

Read up on symbol units:

Also you may wish to use buses in conjunction with some of those ports.

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Thank you for your response. I selected the symbol from the library, right-clicked on it, and chose ‘Properties.’ I adjusted the number of units and unticked the ‘All units are interchangeable’ option. Now, I have 5 units with the same symbol.

How can I select only the required pins for each unit, given that it has many pins and placing them manually is difficult? Additionally, can we use the Pin Table to choose only the required pins for each unit?

To do this in the least time consuming way you need to create a new symbol with 5 parts (or however many parts you need) in the Symbol Editor, not the Schematic Editor.

First, select a personal library. Then: File > New Symbol. Name the symbol, Make sure “derive from existing symbol” and “all units are interchangeable” are NOT ticked, set the number of units and leave everything else alone. Press OK and save.

Next, scroll through the libraries on the left and double click the IC you want, the STM32… and using your mouse, highlight the entire symbol, pins, functions and all. Then Right Mouse click, Copy. Then close this library.

Next, open your library with the new, but empty, symbol and Paste the STM32… into one of the five parts of your new symbol. Hint: paste the STM into the part that will have the most pins.
Note, you will now have four parts with a rectangle and no pins, and the fifth part with a rectangle and all the pins.

Next, open the Pin Table on any of the parts and at the far right is the column “Unit”. Now go through the entire list of pins and change the “Unit” for each pin to the required unit you want.
You will find that each pin has been moved to its newly assigned unit.

You can check as you are going along, just don’t save 'till you have finished.

Good luck.


A comment: you might want to add a 6th unit for power connections. Otherwise you won’t have any, which will give problems later on.