How to determine how many layers I need?

Great. I added an thumbs up! Only 9 so far…doesn’t seem likely soon. :cry:

Is there a way to shift a net list to a different layer and retain all the tracks? Or, do I have to delete all the tracks and add them again on a different layer?

When I move a component on the board is there a way to make the tracks “rubber-band” to the new position, or do I have to delete the tracks and reconnect them?

Instead of M-ove try to D-rag the footprint.

Why is is it called D-rag in PCB and dra-G in Eeschema? Communication problem somewhere in the team?

Very cool! I also found an answer to my other question regarding moving tracks into different layers.

Install KiCad 4.0.7 and use it for some time. Define some new symbols, and footprints, make schematic and PCB. Then ask such questions.

I don’t have here V7 (write from Win7) to check so you check if dra-G also works in PCB.

Why on earth would I install 4.0.7?

I suppose because something else was given a G or D hotkey :wink:

Hotkeys are not carved in stone; change one if you wish. :grin: :grin: :grin:

To see how far was the schematic and PCB from each other and be able to appreciate amount of work done to standardize them.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Via usage confusion

Hi @pmi Your question about vias is a totally different subject. It was moved to a new thread to give it more exposure. A new thread may also help answer this question, via the search function, to others, in the future.

@jmk thank you for changing the question to a new topic.

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