How to define the shape of the Rule area to have curved corners or other shapes that are not squares?

Hello everyone

I have a problem with managing the shape of the Rule Area. Some parts I don’t want to be a rectangle.

I want to have a curve or other shapes. But the tool can only draw a rectangle shape.

Is there a solution?

Is there a solution?

Reduce your requirements. The “Add rule area” tool is only capable of drawing straight lines.

Three possible workflows if you really want more complicated shapes:

  1. inbuild tools
  • draw a polygone with the “graphic polygone” tool.
  • select that polygone → RMB-click → context menu → Shape modification → fillet lines
  • select all the lines → RMB-click → context menu → create from selection → Create rule area from selection
  1. use external program (for even more complicated shapes)
  • draw the wanted rule area shape in your preferred mechanical CAD program, save as dxf or svg
    • make sure that the shape is a closed shape
    • try to not use the most advanced cad tool features (or simplify geometry at the end), as kicad don’t import all dxf features.
  • File–>import graphic–> import the external shape
  • select the shape → RMB-click → context menu → create from selection → Create rule area from selection
  1. approximate the wanted shape with short straight line segments (needs more work from you at drawing time).